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13 Reasons Why

As you guys may know, this was a huge hit TV show in summer of 2016, but many people have not even read the book. I decided to read the book because I really liked the TV show. The isn't that much like the show and it's more descriptive, this book made me cry more than the actual TV show. If you haven't seen the show, it is about a girl who kills herself and creates 13 tapes explaining why she did what she did and how CERTAIN kids destroyed her life. Clay comes home from school, then seeing a box on his doorway. It had the tapes. He puts one into a stereo, and hears Hannah Bakers voice, the girl who killed herself, and the girl he loved. Clay realizes that he is in these tapes, but which one. Each tapes opens a new part of Hannah's life that ended by that person. Be ready to cry and and binge read this book.

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